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What Is NIST

What Exactly Is NIST?

What Exactly Is NIST?

Have you heard the latest about government data security standards? If you haven’t and don’t know where you stand with NIST requirements, we invite you to read further.

To Fight Against Data Breaches, You Need a Useful Tool.

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is that indispensable device. Applying the Framework in your organization begins improving your data security almost immediately. The process, once implemented, can help you establish effective and repeatable security procedures. Before you take the first step applying the process, we invite you to take a moment to understand the background of NIST and what part they play in your business.

In this video are further details.

What’s Your Next Step?

Now that you’ve viewed the video and understand what NIST is and the history, we move to the next step. To start or update your full compliance, you begin by looking at your organization’s current Cybersecurity setup. Those organizations that are in full compliance utilize the following cybersecurity solution services.

  • Managed Detection and Response Services
  • Managed Network Security
  • Managed Firewall Services

If NIST compliance is new to you, and you’re unsure where to begin or what to look for, contact a reputable NIST cybersecurity consulting firm like Intelice Solutions.

What is Managed Detection and Response Services?

In its purest form, managed detection and response focus on recognizing cyber threats in real-time, in a specific environment. Then immediately responding to the incident before any danger can gain entry. Those locations might be, but not limited to, websites, computers, mobile devices, any device or machinery that connects to the internet.

What is Managed Network Security?

When you outsource your company’s network security to a third party, they provide the managed network security services. These providers have all the resources available and expertise for every part of your network security. There will also be a service-level agreement to review. It will describe distribution tasks, specific services, and the required equipment needed and used either per month or annually.

What is a Managed Firewall Services?

An organization’s firewall infrastructure is monitored and managed in real-time by a Managed Firewall Services provider. Our clients receive this service 24-hours a day, seven days a week, year-round. (There are exceptions where a client may only require special days or hours of firewall protection.) Depending on a client’s needs, they can select which service package best fits their support level.

How Can NIST Help Protect Your Organization?

As you viewed the video, it’s apparent that mandatory compliance is serious business. Understanding if your organization needs to comply, regarding your cybersecurity is no joke. But trying to get a grasp on what NIST 800-171 means is confusing, and mistakes do happen. Always remember your objective. With the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, you want to identify “a prioritized, flexible, repeatable, performance-based, and cost-effective approach” to keeping your data secure.

Why Choose Intelice Solutions For Your NIST Compliance Solutions?

Discovering the NIST cybersecurity framework and the 800-171 requirements, if not followed, would have a significant impact on your organization. Keeping your company safe from cyber threats and compliant requires due diligence and the use of appropriate measures. We agree that some of the NIST guidelines are somewhat confusing.

For NIST compliance and assistance, click here to get in touch with one of our representatives or call us at (301) 664-6800.

Intelice Solutions

At Intelice Solutions, we approach every partnership with the mindset that each IT component is a crucial tool making a company smarter, more efficient, and most importantly, more profitable. That’s why our service model supports your business technology from end to end. Every Comprehensive IT strategy is based on a microscopic examination of your business processes, company culture, strengths, and weaknesses to put everyone in a position to do their best work.