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IT Pandemic Planning Washington DC

Everyday Operations Without Having a Continuity Strategy is Risky Business

Everyday Operations Without a Continuity Strategy is Risky Business

If you don’t have a business continuity strategy in place, you’re creating an environment ripe for panic and confusion. See why putting together your continuity strategy makes good business sense.  

The last month has reinforced for business and technology leaders everywhere that having a business continuity solution is integral to maintaining operations in unexpected circumstances. It’s not too late to work through the steps that experts recommend for business continuity planning during a global pandemic. Few people could have anticipated the far-reaching impact of COVID-19, or the near-immediate need to shift the working location and operations for your entire staff. As you’re scrambling to resume base functions for your business in a world where there is only a vague end-date on the crisis, here are suggestions from the experts to help you sustain operations during this difficult time — and recover once the threat is past.

IT Pandemic Planning Washington DC

Maintaining Business Continuity in the Wake of COVID-19

Minimizing the recovery time after the initial threat of the coronavirus pandemic has passed begins with having a robust business continuity strategy in place that is continually reviewed and revised based on the changing business environment. For extremely small organizations, this may be a simple document that details current IT infrastructures and telecom operations. Still, mid-size organizations and enterprises will need a significantly more robust approach. Maintaining business continuity after an unprecedented upheaval such as the current global health crisis involves:

  • Define the risks that could impact your organization
  • Listing the core infrastructure requirements for your organization
  • Defining key supply chain partners, their operational readiness and communication needs
  • Analyze current skillsets, any knowledge or execution gaps and how resources can be re-routed to core business operations
  • Protect the health of your staff by encouraging remote work
  • Refine or update a communications strategy for staff, contractors, vendors and customers
  • For each risk scenario, look for safeguards that could be implemented to mitigate those risks
  • Identify new short-term and long-term opportunities that can sustain your business
  • Create a testing procedure that allows you to trigger business continuity strategies to ensure they are robust enough to support operations
  • Regularly review your business continuity strategy on a review cycle to ensure your processes remain up-to-date

It’s important to note that even the best insurance policy will be unable to cover the full scope of costs associated with the loss of business operations. Everything from the cost of communicating with your various audiences to the loss of revenue after a cyberattack must all be taken into consideration when you’re developing a proactive business continuity strategy. The goal is to ensure that you can sustain minimal operations, while quickly scaling back up to full capacity as the threat passes.

Leverage Technology to Create a Strategic Advantage

In difficult times, it’s often the companies that can execute well that can maintain operations — and customers. Everything from defining a messaging option to reach out to staff and customers in the event of an emergency to having your data stored in the cloud can provide the added level of security that your company can manage through these challenges. With the current COVID-19 crisis, companies that can scrape together their operations and quickly educate their audiences are the ones that are becoming a beacon of hope in a world that seems to be shifting on its axis. Maintaining perspective by having a proactive business continuity plan is what can allow your company to leverage the technology you have in place to create a long-term strategic advantage for your company.

If your company needs support during the current coronavirus epidemic or in general business continuity planning, contact the experts at Intelice Solutions at {phone}. We have been providing exceptional IT support services and consulting for mid-size and larger organizations throughout the DC Metro area since 1996 and can help you quickly regain access to critical business systems while supporting remote staff and customers with the tools and information needed to sustain operations.

Intelice Solutions

At Intelice Solutions, we approach every partnership with the mindset that each IT component is a crucial tool making a company smarter, more efficient, and most importantly, more profitable. That’s why our service model supports your business technology from end to end. Every Comprehensive IT strategy is based on a microscopic examination of your business processes, company culture, strengths, and weaknesses to put everyone in a position to do their best work.