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Microsoft Teams

Intelice is Hosting an Inclusive Microsoft Teams Training Session

For all of you busy execs, business owners, network administrators, and others who want to learn all about one of Microsoft’s latest and greatest business productivity enhancers, you’ll want to stay tuned. Intelice Solutions is hosting an inclusive (not exclusive) Microsoft Teams training session, which will take place Wednesday, August 30, 2017.

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What Will I Get Out of It?

We all keep busy schedules, and the question on everyone’s mind concerning webinars and learning sessions like this one is – “What will I get out of it?”

Well, a lot, actually!

You’ll get to learn all about how to use and apply the features of Microsoft Teams and integrate them into your current Office 365 Productivity Suite.

Because, ready or not, Microsoft Office 365 is changing the way your business gets its tasks done – even more now, with Microsoft Teams!

About Microsoft Teams

First, what it isn’t. People may experience some confusion involving Microsoft Teams and Team Foundation Server (TFS) by Microsoft, which are two very separate things altogether.

While TFS is an apt Visual Studio that provides source code management (and is still a very integral part of many computer networks), Microsoft Teams is all about people.

It’s about how people can leverage even more collaborative and creative juice and see what many heads put together for a common goal or goals can achieve.

Microsoft has designed Teams to change the way every individual in your organization works – from Millennials to Baby Boomers and back again.

Are you ready for even more choices, collaborative power, and productivity factors?

We’ve compiled some excellent information and training on how your organization can use Microsoft Teams to your advantage, and we’ll be presenting it on August 30th during our inclusive training webinar.

Microsoft Teams fully integrates with Office 365 and is highly customizable. Start an online meeting with your team, schedule a meeting, gather thoughts, brainstorm with colleagues, and collaborate on documents.

Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, and apps together in one place. It allows you to create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learnings communities, and communicate with staff – all from a single experience in Office 365 for Education.

Connecting Yammer to Microsoft Teams, Etc.

There can be a lot of value and new scenarios as a result from connecting Yammer to Microsoft Teams. We can show you how an IT Support group in Yammer and an notify the IT Support Team channel in Microsoft Teams anytime a user posts to the Yammer group.

This can streamline IT operations, make it easier to engage with end users and help to triage problems and measure/monitor end-user satisfaction. How will your organization use the Yammer connector in Microsoft Teams? The possibilities are limitless!

Connectors allow you to input information (or content) into Microsoft Teams and notify a team channel. The sources can be a web application or service such as RSS feed, Trello, Wunderlist, Yammer, Twitter or GitHub or a custom application that you wrote. For more information see Connectors.

Easy Accessibility

Microsoft Teams includes accessibility features that make it easy for users with limited dexterity, low vision, or other disabilities to chat privately or in teams. This means you can use keyboard shortcuts and a screen reader to work with Microsoft Teams. For more information about accessibility settings and features that are platform-specific, learn about accessibility in Office 365.

Just Right for Maryland and DC Small Businesses

Most of today’s businesses rely on a Microsoft Office suite for their day-to-day functions of drafting documents, building spreadsheets, and keeping track of contacts.

The question of the hour is, are you using the new, collaborative, and more powerful Microsoft Office 365, or are you still tied to an older, desktop version of this office productivity suite? What’s the difference? Everything! When Microsoft tied all of its office productivity solutions to the cloud in Office 365, it changed the whole game.

And fully integrating your Office 365 suite with Microsoft Teams means a high-octane boost in collaborative productivity, creativity, and comprehensive power for your organization.

As a subscription-based, cloud-enabled productivity suite like no other, Microsoft Office 365 enhances your collective and individual know-how and makes collaboration a much easier aspect of your business life.

Intelice Solutions, your Washington DC-area Office 365 experts, will guide you through the labyrinth where technology “teams up” with creative power, human ingenuity, and today’s complex business needs, and have you mastering this powerful Microsoft combination of Teams and Office 365 in no time!

Have More Questions or Further Interest? Sign Up for Our Microsoft Teams Training Session!

Do you want to raise your own or your entire office’s productivity factor and collaborative power to new heights? Sign up for our in-depth, comprehensive Microsoft Teams Training Session, which takes place Wednesday, August 30th at 11 AM EDT, and call us (301) 664-6800 or send us an email for more information.

Intelice Solutions

At Intelice Solutions, we approach every partnership with the mindset that each IT component is a crucial tool making a company smarter, more efficient, and most importantly, more profitable. That’s why our service model supports your business technology from end to end. Every Comprehensive IT strategy is based on a microscopic examination of your business processes, company culture, strengths, and weaknesses to put everyone in a position to do their best work.