Intelice Solutions: Blog


Intelice Solutions Joins The Frederick County Maryland Chamber Of Commerce

As a leading provider of information technology services and support, the team at Intelice is excited to announce our membership in The Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is an association of businesses organized to ensure the economic and social vitality of Frederick County. They work to connect businesses and the local community through leadership, advocacy, and education.

Frederick IT Services

Joining the Chamber is significant for us as Frederick County wants to bring more advanced technology businesses into the area to generate high-paying jobs and more local opportunities for highly qualified professionals. They know that approximately 40 percent of Frederick’s workforce travels to work in other areas. Many of these people would prefer to work in Frederick, and The Chamber is working to bring businesses like Intelice Solutions here to provide jobs for the folks who live here.

Plus, The Chamber is pleased to have a great technology company like ours as one of their newest members!  We’re happy to be a member too!

Why Did We Join The Chamber?

It’s All About Connections And Contributing To The Business Community

Intelice wants to be a part of the business community and a contributor to the local economy. To do this, we must keep a pulse on what organizations in Frederick need regarding IT Service and Support. We also want to be good corporate citizens and bring quality tech professionals here. The Chamber is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to lifting the economy.  We hope to contribute to this effort by bringing in many qualified and experienced IT technicians that can serve the needs of local businesses.

To Share Our Knowledge and Expertise

Joining The Frederick County Chamber is a great opportunity, and we plan to participate to the fullest extent. We hope to serve on committees where we contribute our expertise.

As current members of techfrederick we plan to foster awareness of and advocate for Frederick’s growing high tech community. And, now as a member of The Chamber, we can further these efforts and educate other businesses on the importance of reliable, secure IT systems.

Technology is changing at light speed, and it can be difficult for business owners and managers to determine just what IT solutions best support their mission and goals. We plan to offer our expertise to other Chamber members to help them grow their businesses by using the right technologies for their unique needs.

To Expand Our Presence In Frederick County

Of course, we hope to receive benefits from our membership as well. As a new member of the Chamber, we plan to contribute educational articles about IT and business technology to their newsletter, e-newsletter, and other venues. Plus, we want to highlight the reasons businesses in the area should consider us as their #1 choice for Managed IT Services!

The Chamber offers a wide range of advertising options and sponsorship packages. Beyond just paid advertising, we hope to spread the good news about Intelice Solutions and what we can do to keep business IT running reliably and securely.

We’re proud of our accomplishments and the service we provide, and we’d like to share this news with others. The Chamber gives us a professional and credible platform to do this.

To Learn From And Participate In Educational Events

We know—all of this takes time and dedication. To give and to receive from the membership experience requires our full participation. We plan to attend and support The Chamber’s educational programs. It’s a way to build our team’s business knowledge and take advantage of expert training. What better way to gain from the knowledge local business leaders provide than to attend The Chamber’s sessions?  By doing so, we hope to gain insights into how businesses in Frederick work together to help one another and make the community a place where people want to work, live, and play.

To Build Relationships

Joining The Chamber isn’t as much about networking as it is about building relationships. After all, to succeed in business requires building trust with your neighbors. We’ll be a prospect for other members as they will be for us. This is a win-win proposition as all parties involved will make new friends, associates, and maybe advocates. We’ve learned from the other associations we’ve joined that the social and emotional return is as important, if not more so than the networking. We look forward to interacting with people outside our day-to-day routines as we create long-lasting friendships that can cross over into the non-business aspects of our lives.

To Promote Good Will

Joining The Chamber will provide a venue to sponsor business and social events. It’s a way that we can give back some of what we’ve received while promoting our capabilities as leaders in the DC Area IT community. We do some of this already by supporting events in other communities. Now we hope to do this in Frederick as well.

Good will is a spirit that exists within all of us when we create a bond with people. This is no different in the business community. And by spreading good will and contributing to the community, we know that we’ll be rewarded in kind by the endorsements and trust we receive from others.

Plus, it just makes us feel good, and we have fun helping others, too! You know, working with IT day-in and day-out can get pretty boring! We like to get out and do other things, not just techie stuff!

The team at Intelice Solutions looks forward to becoming a part of the community in Frederick. We hope you’ll take the time to get to know us better!

In the meantime, here are some pretty interesting articles about IT and what’s going on in the world of tech today.


Managed Services & ROI

The Microsoft Azure FileCloud (Review)

How To Be More secure By Using A Managed Service Provider

Intelice Solutions

At Intelice Solutions, we approach every partnership with the mindset that each IT component is a crucial tool making a company smarter, more efficient, and most importantly, more profitable. That’s why our service model supports your business technology from end to end. Every Comprehensive IT strategy is based on a microscopic examination of your business processes, company culture, strengths, and weaknesses to put everyone in a position to do their best work.